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Think about love.

, forever love
Відправлено: Oct 3 2005, 18:38
Sometimes, I think about love, sing songs about love, write story about love, but I do no - what is love? Please, help me understand - what is love? What do you think about...?
Відправлено: Oct 4 2005, 00:13
I wish I knew what it is...But unfortunately I don't, because I didn't get to experience this feeling....yet. =)
Відправлено: Oct 4 2005, 13:27
O, really?

This post was wrote under the influence of Animagus Flamingo spell(s).
Відправлено: Oct 5 2005, 09:40
Love - this is very beautiful feeling... It's exiting, charm, magical feeling... That is feeling people can't live without ... When you in love - this is the best feeling of all your life! It's time, when you can't sleep, can't eat, can't breathe without your most favorite person in the world! That is love...

This post was wrote under the influence of Littera Boldis spell(s).
Відправлено: Oct 5 2005, 11:30
Love as perfume...
Відправлено: Oct 5 2005, 11:52
That's interesting opinion! But why you want to talk about love? Are you in love now with somebody?
Відправлено: Oct 6 2005, 20:43
I've never fallen for anyone, so I've got no experience, and I cannot tell you what love is...
Відправлено: Oct 7 2005, 08:34
Girls... little girls. When you'll feel it, you'll understand what is it. Talking about this now, when you don't get the point - it's rubbish. Sorry, it's my opinion.
Відправлено: Oct 23 2005, 07:06
Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful nor concieted. It is never rude or selfish. It doesn't take offence and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.

Very impressive thought.

This post was wrote under the influence of Animagus Lemur spell(s).
Відправлено: Oct 23 2005, 10:27
Yeh,Золоторог is right!Love is beatuiful thing but dangerous too!
Відправлено: Oct 23 2005, 10:56
Not always dangerous.

This post was wrote under the influence of Animagus Lynx spell(s).
Відправлено: Oct 23 2005, 13:50
What I know about love?
Love is the best feeling in the world!
Відправлено: Oct 30 2005, 09:57
Love is greatest feeling in the world. Bot it can't last forever and I think real love must be tragedy becouse only in tragedy you can understand all your feelings and all feelings of your lover. =9sky= =9sky= =9sky=
Відправлено: Oct 30 2005, 10:42
Цитата (M.a.r.y.ann Inc. @ Oct 23 2005, 04:06)
Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful nor concieted. It is never rude or selfish. It doesn't take offence and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.

Very impressive thought.

Very beautiful words, I like your thinking.
Відправлено: Oct 30 2005, 20:51
Цитата (April @ Oct 30 2005, 03:42)
Цитата (M.a.r.y.ann Inc. @ Oct 23 2005, 04:06)
Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful nor concieted. It is never rude or selfish. It doesn't take offence and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's sins but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes.

Very impressive thought.

Very beautiful words, I like your thinking.

Well actually those words are from the Bible. I agree that they are beautiful though. ;)
Відправлено: Nov 21 2005, 14:28
Love as spirits intoxicates the aroma. This great feeling is capable to kindle the most stone heart. The present love does not have happy end because it does not have end in general. " And after death... Forever... amin... "
Відправлено: Dec 22 2005, 18:08
LOve is rubbish! You ask me - why? That's easy.. You can never tell if your lover is really feelin' something for ya... Actually love is just a very strong sympathy.. U can disagree with me, but think properly. Do you really need love? 'Cause when you find out what your lover really is, your heart can break too mutch to be ever recovered again....

Це повідомлення відредагував Sparrow - Dec 22 2005, 18:10
Відправлено: Dec 22 2005, 18:10
People that hate love just never experienced it...
Відправлено: Dec 22 2005, 18:16
Ms. Weasley, you're tellin' me)) I've been in love fo the 1-st time when I was 4! And that was NOT a puppy love, hon'... Believe me...
Відправлено: Dec 27 2005, 09:00
Love-this when you wake up and fall asleep with thought about a favourite man, when you want to see of him constantly, when a telephone rings, and you know already, that this HE, when wind knocks in a window, but you are sure that this the darling, when you look at his picture, tears flow on face, and a stimulating heat spills on a body...Love-this aggregate of all our senses.Here what love.

Це повідомлення відредагував Мисс Грейнджер - Dec 27 2005, 09:07
Відправлено: Dec 27 2005, 14:03
Мисс Грейнджер, intelligent one :D .....

Це повідомлення відредагував Sparrow - Dec 27 2005, 14:03
Відправлено: Dec 28 2005, 00:35
Цитата (Мисс Грейнджер @ Dec 27 2005, 02:00)
Love-this when you wake up and fall asleep with thought about a favourite man, when you want to see of him constantly, when a telephone rings, and you know already, that this HE, when wind knocks in a window, but you are sure that this the darling, when you look at his picture, tears flow on face, and a stimulating heat spills on a body...Love-this aggregate of all our senses.Here what love.

=lolbuagaga= =lolbuagaga= =lolbuagaga=
Sorry, couldn't help it =biggrin=
Відправлено: Dec 31 2005, 19:22
Ms. Weasley, loool
Hm, love-it when yr ass want to be the one. =lolbuagaga=
Відправлено: Jan 6 2006, 08:19
Цитата (Narcissa Malfoy @ Dec 31 2005, 17:22)
Ms. Weasley, loool
Hm, love-it when yr ass want to be the one. =lolbuagaga=

Stupid reply...Love-it is one moment of happiness...But only a moment
Відправлено: Jan 6 2006, 09:58
Цитата (Narcissa Malfoy @ Dec 31 2005, 17:22)
Ms. Weasley, loool
Hm, love-it when yr ass want to be the one. =lolbuagaga=

Love-is when you just love something! For example commas. Muahaha
Відправлено: Jan 29 2006, 22:39

Love is something you can't describe.
Like the look of a rose,
The smell of the rain,
Or the feeling of forever....

- Kristen Kappel -

Nice, isn't it?
Відправлено: Jan 30 2006, 02:30
Darla, it isn't nice.. its just true
Відправлено: Feb 6 2006, 17:23
Whoa, people! It seems to me you pay too much attention to somethin’ which maybe doesn’t even exist! I mean it’s a post about love restricted to situations between a man and a woman, right? So i suppose there’s no such kind of love. You see, in my opinion, people mistakingly think that a feeling between opposite sexes has surely got to be love.As a biologist (yeah, yeah, I know – people of my profession are exceptionally cynic, but that’s the way we are) I can say in this case there’s nothing but sexual attraction, sympathy and lust to perceive the unknown from the opposite sex. Anyone who have studied psychology even for a little while can inform you that it’s really difficult to get more or less clear definition of love. Why? It maybe because this feeling is too complicated or maybe it’s just absent or imaginative? People always believe in somethin’ they want to believe in just in order to escape bitter reality. All right, we’re intellectually strong, we’re different from the rest of other living species – but from these really good advances comes a very great disadvantage – our intellect eventually teaches us to tell lies to ourselves. And suddenly we just can’t help displacing reality for wishfulness . And that happens to love as well. Have you ever asked yourself a simple question – why not all of the people in the world are able to experience love if it truly exists? I mean most of us know about the love of our parents ‘cos we feel it. Those of us who has brothers or sisters or both know how it is to be loved by a close relative. But the part of people who have never experienced the love to a man or to a woman (depending on who you are) is much bigger than in the case of other kinds of love. And I wonder why it is so? Love is supposed to be a bright and good feeling but why so many people have broken their hearts because of it and have suffered? Think about this.
Відправлено: Feb 6 2006, 20:44
People always believe in somethin’ they want to believe in just in order to escape bitter reality.

I'd better BELIEVE, than try to escape from something I know doesn't exist
Відправлено: Feb 7 2006, 02:40
Love is supposed to be a bright and good feeling but why so many people have broken their hearts because of it and have suffered? Think about this.

I think that when this happens it means the person you were in love with wasn't right for you. I still believe in love even though I have never experienced it. I know that it results in heartbreaks but that's just the way life is, and we can't do anything about it.
Відправлено: Feb 8 2006, 21:03
Цитата (Ms. Weasley @ Feb 7 2006, 00:40)

I think that when this happens it means the person you were in love with wasn't right for you.

You see, this is my point exactly! I mean if the person I've met isn't right for me, she JUST CAN"T BE my love! So there's no love at all in this case, agree? And therefore I'm not in love, I'm just foolin' myself, right? Maybe I'm a little bit old-fashioned, but I'm sure that one of the general signs of true love (if it exists, of course, which I still have doubts about) is reciprocity. For me it is impossible to talk about love when this "love" is unrequited. And when we talk about full mutuality of partners, considerin' there's only one person in the world for each of us to make a perfect complementary pair, then lemme ask you - what are the chances of meetin' such person during our lifetime? That's what I meant when I said there was no true love in the world...
Відправлено: Feb 8 2006, 21:26
Yeah, I guess I agree with you, but I believe in love no matter what. :)
Відправлено: Feb 11 2006, 03:37
U all just need to remember-LOVE IS ONLY A FEELING.And nothing more.

This post was wrote under the influence of Animagus Ursus spell(s).
Відправлено: Feb 11 2006, 04:01
Love is Life, and Life is Love. :)
Відправлено: Feb 14 2006, 03:50
I don't know what o do, to make one girl love me? i love her but it's so difficul to say it to she....
Відправлено: Feb 18 2006, 15:34
I don't know what o do, to make one girl love me? i love her but it's so difficul to say it to she....

If this is truly real, and you have encountered her personally at least twice, she already knows about your love. They feel it like no other, believe me, 'cos intuition tendencies of a woman are among the strongest things in the world, especially when the matter is about heart stuff. And all you have to do now is just let her know she's guessed right. It's extremely difficult to start, I agree, but someone's got to do it and the first step in such situations is left to a man in almost any case. Don't give it up! B)
Відправлено: Feb 19 2006, 00:53
I love one girl she have a boyfriend whith "CHEVROLET" and she rather will marry with him than be whith me...... :( :unsure:
Відправлено: Feb 19 2006, 09:00
I never think about love. I don't understand this feeling
Відправлено: Feb 22 2006, 19:51
Love is real)) It makes you wish the best for the person you love. Without asking anything in return)) © me
Відправлено: Feb 24 2006, 09:20
You don't necessarily have to love a preson of the opposite sex, that you feel attraction to, you can just love your parents, and your friends. It's a different kind of love , but it's still love.
Відправлено: Mar 4 2006, 17:10
Love is a feeling that I can’t live without it. But I haven’t real love. That’s why I live like in the hell... :(
I want to find my love, but I can't do this. I can't live in such world, world witout love....

Це повідомлення відредагував DSD3mon - Mar 4 2006, 17:13
Відправлено: Mar 10 2006, 02:52
Love it's very good. You can fly, when you are in love
Відправлено: Mar 14 2006, 22:46
Цитата (HERMIONE GRAINGER @ Mar 10 2006, 02:52)
Love it's very good. You can fly, when you are in love
I don't think so. IMHO (in my humble opinion) love is...peac[B]e of chocolate. For example i hate dark chocolate, but it's steel kind a like sweet. Love "tastes" good, but if you don't "like" it...

Це повідомлення відредагував OnA - Mar 14 2006, 22:47
Відправлено: Mar 15 2006, 06:38
Colour isn`t important.You can eat candies or smth else...But your boyfriend can present you , for example...flowers
Відправлено: Mar 15 2006, 07:31
when you're in love, the only thing you need is that guy (or girl) to be with you all the time.

Це повідомлення відредагував Мо - Mar 15 2006, 07:32
Відправлено: Mar 21 2006, 15:51
To my mind, love is a very deep feeling, so when you think about love or, that is better, you are in love, well... You are a happy person!!
Додано через хвилину
To my mind, love is a deep feeling. So when you yhink about love, or, that is better, you are in love, well... You are a happy person?!
Відправлено: Mar 23 2006, 12:42
Oh! Love!! I like thise theme! t is too beautiful... Yes, I like thise theme, but I can`t talk about this bekause I bad know it.
See you later, Volshebniza.
Відправлено: Mar 23 2006, 13:56
Love is... Love... I cannot it transmitted this by words... Something unusual, sensual and such... native?..

This post was wrote under the influence of Littera Italicus spell(s).
Відправлено: Mar 24 2006, 14:07
Love is heaven and hell together as one.
Відправлено: Mar 24 2006, 17:52
love is damn
Відправлено: Apr 3 2006, 17:07
I LOVE MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is my boyfriend!
Відправлено: Apr 3 2006, 18:31
Love's just real. We must accept it. If we don't and we won't, we'll lost ourselves. Because love means also "I love myself", and that's important.
Відправлено: Apr 3 2006, 18:35
Well, maybe love is good... for someone, and that someone is not me!
Відправлено: Apr 3 2006, 19:12
Well I in general not even know what describe the love! This such feeling when want to fly, run and jump! Voobschem this it is necessary to feel, rather then explain what is it! B)

Це повідомлення відредагував Genesys - Apr 3 2006, 19:13
Відправлено: Apr 5 2006, 02:42
ha, do you wanna know what love is? then you just should feel an unrequited love 4 a while.. a really long while.. 'till you will say something like that:

Time to forget
The fall of my truth


Don't cut me down just yet, I'll make things right again
Don't close your blinds on me, on me...

I will never recover from this
I will never believe in this again
And I can never go back to the way I used to be before this started

then you will get a broaken heart and knowledge 'bout love

Це повідомлення відредагував ♥Extraordinary girl♥ - Apr 5 2006, 02:43
Відправлено: Apr 8 2006, 00:48
So one word - WEIRD
Відправлено: Apr 8 2006, 06:46
I want to say just one thing, I don't know what love is. But I want to know it not from somebody's words or from books, I want to feel Love myself.
Відправлено: Apr 8 2006, 09:10
Цитата (CandY_GirL_90 @ Apr 8 2006, 06:46)
But I want to know it not from somebody's words or from books, I want to feel Love myself.
Yeah, you're absolutely right. To know what is love, you must feel it, live through it

Love is the burning point of life,
and since all life is sorrowful,
so is love.
Відправлено: Jun 4 2006, 12:06
Love is the funeral of heart's
Відправлено: Jun 4 2006, 14:44
Fenicks, oh well, not quiet, but kinda true.

yeah, love. you dont need to know, thats how it works
Відправлено: Jun 4 2006, 16:24
The love is a magic, a riddle and will be unfair if we shall find on it the answer, I think.
Відправлено: Jun 8 2006, 13:10
Love is the essence of the world, setting it to exist. Maybe it's a rude comparison, but it's like a cement which holds house panels all together.
Відправлено: Jun 25 2006, 19:28
Love is too precious to be the truth...
Відправлено: Jun 28 2006, 07:23
Love spirit depends on how you define it. And, while doing it, you forget about one single but plain simple thing - love is different and individual for each of us. So I, at any circumstances, won't be able to understand your love as well as you won't appreciate mine. And there's absolutely no exceptions! They say - the one who knows that enough is enough, will always have enough. But who can define what is enough in the case of love (if it truly exists of course). ^_^

"Love is too precious to be the truth..."

No offence, but I suggest being more accurate with such expressions. One may think that everything that is precious is a lie. o_O
Відправлено: Jul 11 2006, 14:47
I disagree with you B) . And at me the large love :-[ . I have arrived from sanatorium, and there has fallen in love with the boy :-[ . Most beautiful in sanatoriums :-[ . I after him suffer, but it is deserved B) .
Відправлено: Jul 21 2006, 15:43
Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!I am Sonic2 and you listening europa plus А по русски че никто не пишет :)


First of all, this is a radio-none topic, people are talking and dreaming about love here.
One more post like that - warning.

Відправлено: Nov 11 2006, 05:18
Last year i used to sing and play on guitar this song:

"Forever Love (Dígame)"

On the ground
With my world
Upside down
I got a vision of your face
And I must get me out
For so many memories we've yet to make
God don't send to me your angels
I just wanna hear you say again

Forever love
Say you'll love
Dígame, Dígame
Tell me so
I can hold you in my soul
If I go
I'll know

When you smile
With those eyes
Baby it's like
You place a finger on my heart
And your lips next to mine
Make me think that maybe heavens where you are
God don't send to me your angels
I just wanna hear you say again

Forever love
Say you'll love
Dígame, Dígame
Tell me so
I can hold you in my soul
And if I go
I'll know

La la la la...

Forever love
Say you'll love
Dígame, Dígame
Tell me so
I can hold you in my soul
And If I go
I know
Forever love
Say you'll love
Dígame, Dígame
Tell me so
I can hold you in my soul
And if I go
I'll know

)It was so-o-o romantic.
Відправлено: Nov 15 2006, 09:24
Love is something you cannot deny or explain... So quit being dorks...
Відправлено: Dec 11 2006, 09:42
Love-it is a love
Відправлено: Dec 12 2006, 16:39
The song of my favourite band "RBD" :-* (not best. very simple)

It’s so magical
How simple it can be
For this love
For this sweetest love
It’s so simple
And so easy when you know
Who you love
Who you really love
Is it this real or is it a game?
It’s only love
But everything has changed
Is it love? It is love!
This is love and you can’t break it
It is love only love
This is love and you can’t mistake it
This is love
It’s so simple that there’s nothing to explain
In this love
What else can I say?
I don’t know how long
A love like this can last
But it feels
Like you’re here to stay
Is this real or is it a game?
Its only love but everything has changed
Is it love? It is love!
This is love and you can’t break it
It is love only love
This is love and you can’t mistake it
This is love
Відправлено: Dec 23 2006, 10:31
I hate love
Відправлено: Jan 1 2007, 14:55
I feel like beeing in love for ever. It very nice to live and feel that you love... But it insults you so much when you know that nobody loves you. It's really hurt...
But I think that love is light feeling and it'll stay for ever...
Відправлено: Jan 23 2007, 16:57
All types of our love based on love to ourself. Its an animal instinct, that became developed since makaka drop the banana with a help of stick. B) I think
Відправлено: Jan 25 2007, 14:34
love it's wings thtat take you to the clouds
Відправлено: Jan 25 2007, 15:21
Цитата (F**k me I'm Famous @ Jan 25 2007, 14:34)
love it's wings thtat take you to the clouds

And when love go out, we fall down painfully.
Відправлено: Jan 25 2007, 16:48
nnn....come on....don't be that pessimistic..
Відправлено: Jan 27 2007, 05:42
Цитата (F**k me I'm Famous @ Jan 25 2007, 16:48)
nnn....come on....don't be that pessimistic..

Ok, lets began finding or waiting our happiness again. Optimists, you are our teachers
Відправлено: Jan 28 2007, 11:20
me need to aim our happines...bt you know..if yo love truly love and there is no response in feelings..yeahh u r very upset..but oke from the other point u can love....not all te people can feel it...

P.S i know sometimes i'm taling [censored]...hehe
Відправлено: Feb 4 2007, 10:46
Цитата (F**k me I'm Famous @ Jan 28 2007, 11:20)
me need to aim our happines...bt you know..if yo love truly love and there is no response in feelings..yeahh u r very upset..but oke from the other point u can love....not all te people can feel it...

P.S i know sometimes i'm taling [censored[...hehe

It,s not a [censored]. It,s not hehe.
Відправлено: Feb 16 2007, 15:59
Цитата (F**k me I'm Famous @ Feb 14 2007, 21:14)
Hehe is Mine....
bytheway Happy St. Valentines Day

Відправлено: Mar 15 2008, 12:19
Hmmm... How did it actually happen, that we've let such a topic be buried?))) Isn't anyone interested in love?))) Ok... Love... I think, that it is very close to sacrifice. What do u think?))
Відправлено: Mar 15 2008, 14:29
well, is it really a sacrifice? you give your everything to the one you love, but it`s your decision and noone can make you do that if you don`t want. "From we get we make a living, from what we give we make a life", isn`t it true?)))
for me love is the only reason to live, the sense of life. I mean "love" in all its definitions and meanings, love to your parents, friens, to the world surroinding you, to some activities, and of course to the person, which makes you become better, makes you wanna spend all your life only with this exact person, this kind of love is the most beatuful, overwhelming and at the same time it becomes a utopian one.. I mean the words "and they lived happily ever after" are almost utopian, unfortunately, coz our world is filled with lies, misunderstanding and cruelty. People forget how to love, how to save this incredible feeling to the end of their lives, and those who can are not always happy too!
Відправлено: Mar 17 2008, 07:49
desertrose, Excellent post!))) You know, we are actually speaking about the same things, and pretty much - making similar conclusions. It's just we call it different names)) When i call love a "sacrifice", i don't mean one is doing it unwillingly)) But to love, to express all your TLC - one needs to refuse something he (she) is used to do. When you love - you tame your own desires in order to meet requests of your beloved one, when you love - you seek other's joy rather than yours)) That IS a sacrifice. But if you love - you are not depressed by it, it's quite an opposite - you are enjoying it))
Відправлено: Mar 17 2008, 12:31
Lovenkrantz, oh, I understand what you`re talking about and agree with you)) "our happiness is the happiness of our beloved ones", and to make them happy we sometimes make sacrifices, but it`s our decision and desire. )) and real love can`t depress you, it makes you fly))
Відправлено: Mar 17 2008, 13:27
Love is omnipotent: it is not on earth neither burning — higher than punishment of it nor happiness — higher than pleasure to serve it.©
Love is too great sense, to be only by the personal, intimate file each!©
Відправлено: Mar 17 2008, 19:00
I'm comletely in agreement with everything told before. Nothing to add.
Maybe lets speek about such burning issue as - what to do when relations give the air?
Аnd how to distinguish love from affection, passion, appetence etc? If their any distinguish at all?
Відправлено: Mar 18 2008, 10:06
Цитата (Багира де Моник @ Mar 17 2008, 19:00)
what to do when relations give the air?

Yeah - that seems to be a REAL discussion... ))) Well, i believe we should begin with asking ourselves - what are the reasons of it& Whar had actually brought us to that point? Well... I'd be so pleased to listen to girls' opinion, why do relations "expire" with time?)) What are the most common reasons to your mind?
Цитата (Багира де Моник @ Mar 17 2008, 19:00)
Аnd how to distinguish love from affection, passion, appetence etc? If their any distinguish at all?

Yeah... you can actually, distinguish. You know, we tend to call 'love" any affection or sympathy we feel towards person. But love - is very complicated and DEVELOPING thing. Love encloses such aspects as being ready to sacrifice, to give in, to endure, to accept. love doesn't try to gain any purpose, neither it is selfish. If you say you love a person "beyond your ken", but you trust your best friend more - don't full yourself, it's not love, it's affection. If you say you love, but don't know (or don't even want to know) what your partner dreams of - it's not love, it's flirt...
Відправлено: Mar 18 2008, 12:42
Цитата (Lovenkrantz @ Mar 18 2008, 10:06)
Well... I'd be so pleased to listen to girls' opinion, why do relations "expire" with time?)) What are the most common reasons to your mind?

I guess it happens when the euphoria from the 1st acquintance trails down and you begin to explore what kind of person he(she) really is. and very often you find out, that you were wearing pink glasses. Pretyy often you feel disappointed, coz he(she) appears to be absolutely different personality, not the one you considered him(her) to be.
Цитата (Lovenkrantz @ Mar 18 2008, 10:06)
Yeah... you can actually, distinguish. You know, we tend to call 'love" any affection or sympathy we feel towards person. But love - is very complicated and DEVELOPING thing. Love encloses such aspects as being ready to sacrifice, to give in, to endure, to accept. love doesn't try to gain any purpose, neither it is selfish. If you say you love a person "beyond your ken", but you trust your best friend more - don't full yourself, it's not love, it's affection. If you say you love, but don't know (or don't even want to know) what your partner dreams of - it's not love, it's flirt...

you are right...
to say "I love you" takes only few seconds, but to proove it - all your life©
that`s all I can add.
Відправлено: Mar 26 2008, 21:56
Love is something beautiful, in my imagination, because I haven't felt it yet. But I think there is only ONE TRUE love in the world. Other people that we love and then part with, and later forget them are just passion.
As Britney Spears sings in her song: "Love is a state of grace"^_^
Відправлено: Mar 27 2008, 07:43
Love'good, love is really beautiful and when you meat your real love - do your best to save this feeling for all your life. in other cases - it is extremely painful - to loose it.
Відправлено: Mar 27 2008, 08:05
Показати текст спойлеру

desertrose, yes, you're right. But to find real love, you must look for it.. Cherche =smile_cry=
Відправлено: Mar 27 2008, 09:42
Чупа-Чупс Джотто, beleive me - you don`t have to look 4 your real love. It will find you when the time comes, and you won`t expest it at all
Відправлено: Mar 27 2008, 09:44
Sometimes it depends not from us =pardon= Fate..
Відправлено: Mar 27 2008, 09:45
Чупа-Чупс Джотто, and destiny... u can`t hide from it anyway
Відправлено: May 27 2008, 14:36
Melissa Wood, so you see, how attitude is changing as time is passing... it means, that it wasn`t love. Passion, attraction - certainly. Real love never disappears.
Відправлено: May 28 2008, 13:23
Цитата (desertrose @ May 27 2008, 14:36)
Real love never disappears.

I wish all of people believe in this =girl_yes=
Відправлено: May 28 2008, 13:49
Цитата (Paige @ May 28 2008, 13:23)
I wish all of people believe in this =girl_yes=

you`re right... Love, hope and belief always go together. If you won`t believe - you can`t love.
Відправлено: May 28 2008, 14:28
well I wish peole would never love so they won't get hurt
as it isn't new to anyone that love goes side by side with envy, despair and broaken heart... not judging from me own experience but still it's a kind' a hopless affair
Відправлено: May 29 2008, 10:44
Montmorensey, It's not hopeless)) It's just the way it is.... Sometimes you win sometimes you lose, sometimes you are chosen, sometimes you are not... But you alwaus have your chance to find the one))
Відправлено: May 29 2008, 12:14
Цитата (Lovenkrantz @ May 29 2008, 10:44)
Montmorensey, It's not hopeless)) It's just the way it is.... Sometimes you win sometimes you lose, sometimes you are chosen, sometimes you are not... But you alwaus have your chance to find the one))

everybody has =girl_yes=
and it depends on you to understand it and not to loose your destiny
Відправлено: Jun 6 2008, 23:03
It's just that not always you seem to want to fint your destiny)) Much more often people start looking for mere fun... collecting stones while loosing some precious diamonds))
Відправлено: Jun 7 2008, 09:16
Lovenkrantz, well, for them it`s more comfortable. because love needs some efforts to be saved during the whole life, and those 'stones' do not last 4 a long time..
Відправлено: May 3 2011, 06:43
Oh man, I haven't been here in a while, but as they say, what goes around comes around.
Where do I start. So many things have happened in my life during these few years of my reality. Let me just say that I do understand that nobody really cares about this post, I'm writing this just for me, for the sake of documenting a tiny piece of memory which will probably be soon to be forgotten anyway. In any case, I have specifically decided to write in here, simply because Love (and I say the word with a capital) has been my sole reason of existence. I have fallen in love. Doesn't that sound pathetically ironic? I truly feel bittersweet saying these words. Falling in love, infinitely falling in a bottomless hole of ...(I have left the sentence unfinished as for everyone it may be different what they fall into). As for me, I fell into a trap. A trap of blissful insanity, impossible challenges, true commitment and pure devotion. That person was the world to me, he was Everything. I lived for him, I became joyful when he was smiling or when he was pleased. I became sad when he was feeling down or when he frowned. This may sound really unrealistic to you, but he was Everything that mattered to me Ever. Oh, I sound like such a sentimental person. Well, I suppose that's me. Anyway, my problems didn't matter. Nonetheless, this continued for about 5 years. If I were to go into detail through everything that's happened, I probably wouldn't be finished until I the day I died. But I might as well try and condense this into one sentence. He was the World to me, but to him.. I unfortunately was not. I mean, sure he 'loved' me in his twisted way at least. But you know it's so fucking different when you feel that something is wrong, amiss. I was literally bound by invisible strings of rope of steel by said person. I couldn't do anything and not that I wanted to, really. It took so much for me to keep holding on because when I actually realized I fell into an inescapable trap, it was too late. I still lived for him, as much as I could anyway. It was true pain and endless torture that continued for n time, I can't say remember how long. At one point my physical body couldn't endure it any longer and so eventually my mental body had to catch up. Everything started morphing so gradually that I haven't noticed. At this point in time, I'm truthfully lost. I don't know what to think anymore. Sure I may appear to be all right, and I myself may believe it, but something deep inside keeps whispering that I'm not. I like to think that I am, though. We talk, from time to time, I feel genuine care for the person but I can't help but still feel internally and forever conflicted with myself.

Not impossible! -
Inevitable! ©

Wow, hm. That was a bit longer than I intended it to be. Nevertheless, I have been inspired by all this by someone, and of course I won't say who because they will know anyway :)
Відправлено: May 3 2011, 06:53
Цитата (Nill @ May 3 2011, 06:43)
nobody really cares about this post

You're a bit mistaken regarding this :)
Відправлено: May 22 2011, 12:40
I want to present sincere love, but ...
Відправлено: May 25 2011, 17:24
A Walk to Remember

Has somebody seen this film?
Відправлено: May 25 2011, 19:27
Цитата (atmosphere @ May 25 2011, 17:24)
A Walk to Remember

Has somebody seen this film?

Everyone have seen it. And it is not so awesome as you will say in the next post, or as a response o someone ele instead of me.
The movie is TOO-EXTRA-MEGA-EMOTIONAL. Just another sad story about love, that it exists and it's beautiful and so on. Nothing spetial.
Відправлено: May 26 2011, 10:33
I`m agree.

It was just a question)
Відправлено: Jul 6 2012, 06:26
What can a normal person say about love? A lot, but i belive that the true love already at the books. For example, Sensce and Sensetive, if i'm writh. This is a true story, but know not many so beutyful stories
Next - What english song is your favourite
Відправлено: Jul 25 2012, 16:37
Love? This is amazing feeling that make my heart beating more faster.
Відправлено: Aug 9 2012, 09:30
tachycardia!? No, really :D
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