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, competition
Libi Chan
Відправлено: Feb 20 2008, 22:16

Метаморфомаг II
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 152
Користувач №: 14244
Реєстрація: 11-March 06

I've been to the US twice...(NY area and California)but not with FLEX
the country is worth seeing but not living...probably because of my "european" mentality))) if I go there this summer it'll probably be my last time
Відправлено: Feb 20 2008, 22:37

Чудотворець I
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 1114
Користувач №: 9504
Реєстрація: 16-November 05

I had a chance to take part in this competition this year, but a didn't use it. Many people told me that it was a great chance for me, that I'd go to America and so on. But I didn't change my mind about that and even now I am sure that am right. Two my classmates completed first round and of course told me that if I took part in FLEX, I'd really win... They are waiting for an answer, cuz they made everything wright in every part of competition. I'm glad that they probably will go to America, because they really want to spend next year there. To my mind America is not the place to spend a year without any friends for me. My opinion about this country is not very pleasant. But the most terrible thing about FLEX is that my teacher, my mother, my friends really thouht(and now too) that I had to do this. I never promised about FLEX or a trip to America an I really felt very angry. Then I said that next year I will try, but I don't want to...
Libi Chan
Відправлено: Feb 20 2008, 23:51

Метаморфомаг II
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 152
Користувач №: 14244
Реєстрація: 11-March 06

if you don't want, then don't do it...nobody has a right to push you
anyway, you won't get any satisfaction of the trip with such an attitude ;)
Відправлено: Feb 21 2008, 00:06

Чудотворець I
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 1114
Користувач №: 9504
Реєстрація: 16-November 05

The most interesting thing about this is that last winter I wanted to visit America by FLEX so much as I don't want it now... =pretty=
Libi Chan
Відправлено: Feb 21 2008, 11:37

Метаморфомаг II
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 152
Користувач №: 14244
Реєстрація: 11-March 06

Then what did make you change your mind?
Відправлено: Feb 24 2008, 13:05

Splendour Herself
Чудотворець VIII
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 6778
Користувач №: 31344
Реєстрація: 7-August 07

well, it`s up to each of us to decide whether we want to take part in FLEX or don`t. )))) and i don`t feel sorry that i`m not in the US now, coz if i went - i wouldn`t be at this forum..))
la melancolie
Відправлено: Aug 18 2011, 12:42

present & perfect
Чудотворець I
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 3597
Користувач №: 36622
Реєстрація: 25-January 08

What can I say... This programm is the reason why I am leaving for the USA in two weeks)
Participate and you'll enjoy it. FLEX is like a family where everyone is loved. It doesn't matter if you are the finalist, alumni or just a participant cuz once FLEX - forever FLEX.)
Відправлено: Aug 18 2011, 13:06
Avatarus Orbis
Архимаг IV
Вигляд: Animagus Ice Phoenix
Група: Модератори
Повідомлень: 8167
Користувач №: 19280
Реєстрація: 27-July 06

I have never heard about this program. Nevertheless Мась, please accept my congratulations. :urya:
la melancolie
Відправлено: Aug 18 2011, 13:10

present & perfect
Чудотворець I
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 3597
Користувач №: 36622
Реєстрація: 25-January 08

Thanks)) To be honest, I haven't heard about this programm at all too)) My school received the advertisment in two days before the first round of the competition and I thought it was just a chance to check my knowledge =loly=
Элен Фишер
Відправлено: Aug 24 2011, 19:36

Великий чарівник III
Вигляд: --
Група: Користувачі
Повідомлень: 1392
Користувач №: 48731
Реєстрація: 4-July 09

I took part in this competition some years ago. And even took the second place in my city. But nobody asked me to go to USA, cause my family is unsuccessful.
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